What Is Must Not Do While Visiting Istanbul

There are plenty of articles that are telling you what to do in Istanbul, however, despite the must-do stuff, there are many traps that you should be aware of during visiting Istanbul. It is not quite easy to sum them up but still, to have common sense, we would try to underline some points which will definitely be helpful to watch yourself.

Booking Group Tours Addressed By The Hotel Receptionist

It is widely known that these tours are only operated for one main reason, to gather clients from different hotels by sharing the margin of 50% to create an opportunity to sell some goods worth money. The drivers are rarely on time to pick up the guests, the guides do not show too much interest in making the guests live the history but mostly push them to buy stuff during their visits to certain shops. Needless to say, the included lunch is never satisfactory but just a show-off. If you still have no other chance but to join this kind of tour, it is recommended to stay away from the pushing sales crowd in the stores visited.

Getting A Ride To The Hotel From The Airport

This is the other thing that you should watch while visiting Istanbul, or Istanbul Airport. You can get much better prices before arriving in Istanbul on the Internet. There are reliable service providers that you can easily find out through well-known websites. The reviews will give you ideas about which one to pick. At the airport, you may face prices that are three or four times the prices that could be found online.

Istanbul Airport Taxi

Istanbul Airport Taxi

Hailing A Taxi Cab On The Street

Turkey, especially Istanbul is famous for the taxi drivers and how they fake. If you do not want to be a part of the problem, there are ways to stay out of it. If you need a cab from the hotel, simply ask the receptionist to get you one to stay out of the trouble. If you are on the street and you need to get somewhere, use applications like ‘bitaksi‘ or ‘itaksi‘, they will both keep you out of trouble. You may also pay the due with your credit card if you use one of these services.

Taxi in visiting Istanbul

Taxi in Istanbul

Dining Under Galata Bridge

The atmosphere and the view could be somehow appealing but the service and the food that you get in regard to what you pay will always be disappointing cause the bridge will remain the as the spots for the tourists. Mostly advertised by the concierge of some hotels, these restaurants continue to be money traps for tourists. In spite, the fish restaurants on the Asian Side of Istanbul are recommended for tourists who seek the better versions of Turkish Tavernas.

The last thing to be advised is to get a guide before going shopping in any spot in Istanbul or Turkey as there is an understanding of a tourist price tag. If you are not that into the bargaining part, your guide will manage for you.

How to Avoid Traps while visiting Istanbul

In order to avoid these traps, you can join our tours and we can assign one of our best tour guides to accompany you during your stay here. With the friendship of a local tour guide, you will be in the safe zone and have a chance to stay away from traps and other constraints that will block your holiday here. Please feel free to contact us if you would like to arrange a private tour in Istanbul.


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