Ancient Ruins

Olympos Lycian Ancient City

Olympos: Nature’s Marvels and Ancient Ruins in Antalya

Hey guys, fellow travel enthusiasts! Olympos in Antalya is a hidden gem of Turkey that has an outstanding combination of enchanting natural beauty and fascinating ancient ruins. On the charming Turquoise Coast, Olympos is where history and nature merge into one magical place. Let us take you on a journey to this marvelous place and [...]

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Seven Churches of Revelation in Turkey

Exlpore the Seven Churches of Revelation in Turkey

Today, we are going to plunge into the heart of Turkey and visit the Seven Churches of Revelation. These ancient places mentioned in the book of Revelation in the New Testament are a must see for anybody interested in history, archeology or looking for an epic adventure. So pack up your backpacks and let’s hit [...]

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Demre Saint Nicholas Church

A Journey to Demre’s Saint Nicholas Ancient Church

You are going to Turkey, but you also want a unique find that has history buried beneath its surface. Demre’s Church, but is also knows as the Church of Saint Nicholas. This is the real Santa Claus! Reasons for Visiting Demre's Saint Nicholas Ancient Church Why should Demre’s Church be on your list of places [...]

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Pergamon Ancient Cty

Discover Pergamon: The Ancient City & Its Acropolis | Travel Guide

If you're dreaming about your next adventure in Turkey, let us tell you about a hidden gem that might not be on your radar yet: Pergamon This ancient place is a must-visit for the lovers of history and casual adventurers too. So get yourself ready with the backpack on your back and some easy shoes [...]

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Asia Minor Little Asia Map

What is Asia Minor (Little Asia)

If you are looking to go to Turkey, by now you must have noticed the term “Asia Minor” or “Little Asia”. But what is it exactly? Allow us to give you a brief history lesson on this region and explain why it should be in your bucket-list during your Turkish escapade . Cappadocia Göreme Valley [...]

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Hierapolis Ancient Amphi Theate Pamukkale Turkey

Hierapolis: Sacred Hot Springs and Necropolis Explored

Nestled in the picturesque landscapes of southwestern Turkey, Hierapolis stands as a remarkable testimony to the seamless blend of natural wonder and rich historical tapestry. If you're gearing up for a Turkish adventure or merely pondering over destinations that offer more than just a visual treat, Hierapolis deserves a spot on your itinerary. Known for [...]

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Trojan Horse Troy Film

Troy: Mythical Legends and Archaeological Wonders

If you're packing your bags for Turkey, or simply love diving into places where history and mythology intertwine, add Troy to your must-visit list. Situated in Turkey's scenic northwest near the Dardanelles, Troy offers more than just a peek into ancient wars and legends; it invites you to step directly into the pages of Homer’s [...]

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Didyma Ancient City

Discovering Didyma: Unveiling the Oracle of Apollo

If you're planning a trip to Turkey and love diving into the depths of ancient history, Didyma is a destination you will want to see. Located near the modern town of Didim, this ancient site offers a unique glimpse into the Greek past, standing out with its grandeur and historical significance. Join us as we [...]

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