Turkey holiday

Sultanahmet Mosque, Hagia Sophia, Bosphorus Istanbul Turkey

5 Reasons to Visit Turkey

Turkey is a vibrant country that stands at the crossroads of history and culture, offering diverse attractions that cater to every kind of traveler. Here's why your next vacation should be to this dynamic destination. 5 Reasans to Visit Turkey Hierapolis Ancient City Pamukkale, Turkey 1. Rich History and Culture Everywhere you turn there are [...]

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Turkish Airlines

Where Does Turkish Airlines Fly To?

Turkish Airlines was always utilizing the advantage of the chance to locate its base in the center of the continents however with the completion of the Istanbul Airport they now are able to boost its network as the capacity would almost double with the construction of the new pists on the way. The company has […]

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The Latest Covid Restrictions In Turkey

The Latest Covid Restrictions In Turkey After the tightened restrictions which also included a nationwide lockdown, Turkey decided to loosen the grip due to the opinion of the government. Regional normalization was started to be applied by the beginning of March which was highly appreciated by the society where the prohibitions were partially over. The […]

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