Recent Covid 19 Status In Turkey Array

Recent Covid 19 Status In Turkey

Number of Turkey Covid 19 26.01.2021

Number of Turkey Covid 19 26.01.2021

The number of recent cases has significantly dropped with the ongoing serious restrictions and the new cases per day is now fluctuating around 6k which is the lowest rate since November.

Expectations are more optimistic for the next months as people are getting vaccinated from last week and the one million shots are already made. The picture was pretty frightening at the beginning of winter when the daily cases increased to 30 thousand and deaths per day were more than 200. We can say the cost is bothersome for Turkey; 25 thousand people died and more than 2 million have suffered till now, however, the indications show that Turkish people get the reward for their obedience to the principles.

Despite the progress, the government still practices the decisions to prevent the spread of the virus. There are nationwide and international rules implemented for an unlimited period, let’s have a look to remember the restrictions.

PCR Test

Covid 19 – PCR Test

Turkey does not accept anyone without negative PCR test results tested within 72 hours. The transit passengers do not have to declare a test result to get flights to Turkey.

Foreign passengers traveling from certain countries such as Denmark, South Africa, and the United Kingdom are not able to travel to Turkey because of the mutant virus. If anyone has been to one of these countries in the last 10 days will be kept in quarantine for 14 days till another negative test result is declared like the Turkish citizens.



Covid 19 - Topkapi Palace

Covid 19 – Topkapi Palace

Common practices are also applied throughout the country. The lockdown which is started in December endures and people are forced to stay at home at weekends and between 9 pm and 5 am on weekdays.

This mostly prevents people to get together and speed up the spread as they have no time to hang out besides the time spent to work. Meantime, cafes, pubs, bars, and restaurants are closed for the same reason, restaurants continue offering takeouts, though. Masks and social distancing are obligatory and there is also a curfew for the special age groups like the elders, to keep them away from the virus, and the youth, not to speed up the spread.

Every citizen is tracked by a special(HES) code when traveling, entering a shopping mall, a museum, or a public building, and quarantined if a risk is considered later on.

Needless to say, tourists are exempted from some of these rules such as the lockdown or the HES code to travel or go into museums, etc. Anyhow, they are affected by the closure of certain places and suppression of the leisure activities for locals. Still, it is all right to visit the museums and monuments. You may contact us to see your options to make the most of it during the pandemic and also book our services by emailing us or through our website.

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